Tryvertising (try-before-you-buy) is a brand new concept in advertising and marketing. It is the new marketing concept that exhibits consumer at the core in marketing process and is more effective than traditional approaches. It replaces mass advertising and is a new alternative to other marketing types.

Tryvertising facilitates free shopping and sampling for consumers while manufacturers provide product samples before buying the actual product at the stores. Tryvertising is used as a research tool as it helps to get honest feedback on the product from the trysumers. Because in tryvertising the consumer is directly targeted and users are in direct relationship with the company for whom they test.
Another emerging tryvertising model is parties or social events devoted to product sampling. In short it is yesterday's Tupperware party with a more interactive and no hard sell.
Tryvertising tips
1. Be relevant to the consumer
2. Research your target audience
1. Be relevant to the consumer
2. Research your target audience
3. Maximise word-of-mouth concept
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